Sunday, January 6, 2013

Enjoy listening to music from this building when it rains

Although the atmosphere may turn into a stormy full of rain, the tourists do not hesitate to come down to listen to the music emanating from one of the buildings when the rain falls.

 Was one of the colorful houses in Germany has won the rain water drainage system consisting of cones and tubes the launch of the music when rainfall in the context of an art project, according to the newspaper "Daily Mail" British.
Building musical was made by sculptor "Annette Powell" and designed "Christopher روسنر" and "Andre Temple" who live in it, has stated, "Annette" she inspired it from her home in the city, "St. Petersburg" where they listen to the sound of rain is passing through the pipe discharge water.
The building is part of an art project called The Courtyard of Elements, a component of the exchange tubes and funnels and panels of aluminum.

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