Sunday, January 6, 2013

English painter Carney Griffith uses tea in drawing his paintings

Invented the English painter "Carney Griffith" and a new way of painting
Tea is used in technical drawing plates
Painting achieved sales of up to 4 thousand pounds

Invented the English painter "Carney Griffith" and a new way of painting
  Tea is used in technical drawing plates
Painting achieved sales of up to 4 thousand pounds
And said, "Griffith" that he spent years to find a way drawing with tea and sometimes other alcoholic beverages
They will draw several layers of the painting and then puts them tea to create a new panel.

And thinking, "Griffith" in the use of textiles in art paintings is also based on embroidery
It has many of the business
 His work has been presented in several international art exhibitions and has achieved widespread success.

He says, "Griffith," It is time the fee is a time for reflection
 This is keen innovator in the strangest ways to produce plates of hard to ignore.


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